Broadly, the scenario development process can be broken into three key stages.

The first stage involves a process of defining the strategic focus you want to explore and collating people’s assumptions about what might influence your future. This is a powerful way of bringing leaders together to gain clarity on your strategic objectives and to align individual assumptions.

The second stage involves investigating the underlying drivers of change. By identifying the drivers that are high-impact but difficult to predict, we can then start to understand what possible futures your organisation needs to explore and prepare for.

Finally, the third stage involves building out a set of scenarios and using them to stimulate conversation amongst your leadership team. Through these conversations, you will identify opportunities, threats and new strategic options.

To find out whether scenario planning is the right approach to addressing the challenges your organisation is facing, please get in touch. Alternatively, sign-up here to keep up-to-date on the release of The Scenario Planning Guide, launching in mid-January 2023.

Scenario Planning Guide

The guide has been created for leaders, strategists and scenario practitioners who want to improve decision-making in times of high uncertainty.


All of Simon’s scenario planning workshops are tailored to the unique requirements of the client. As part of the design phase, he will work with you to understand your current situation and the strategic challenges you’d like to address. Simon will then create a scenario planning and facilitation process that brings the right people along to create clarity and buy-in to your strategic direction.

To arrange a time to talk to Simon, hit the button below. Alternatively, you can reach out to Simon on 1300 66 55 85 (within Australia).


Simon’s scenario planning workshop was engaging, insightful and incredibly well prepared. I got the opportunity to be taken outside my comfort zone to explore future possibilities for the organisation while still feeling like I had my bearings. It was an insightful and worthwhile process to be involved in and nothing like any other planning workshop I’ve ever been involved in.

Leticia Laing

Deputy Mayor – Bass Coast
Shire Council